The New Southern Studies - Keywords for Southern Studies

Omslag van The New Southern Studies - Keywords for Southern Studies

Erich Nunn

ISBN: 9780820349619

E-book | 15 augustus 2016

€ 33.99

In Keywords for Southern Studies, editors Scott Romine and Jennifer Rae Greeson have compiled an eclectic collection of new essays that address the fluidity of southern studies by adopting a transnational, interdisciplinary focus. The essays are structured around critical terms pertinent both to the field and to modern life in general.

The nonbinary, nontraditional approach of Keywords unmasks and refutes standard binary thinking—First World/Third World, self/other, for instance—that postcolonial studies revealed as a flawed rhetorical structure for analyzing empire. Instead, Keywords promotes a holistic way of thinking that begins with southern studies but extends beyond.

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  • E-book (huidig) € 33.99

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