Art Therapy and Postmodernism

Omslag van Art Therapy and Postmodernism

Anu Lala

ISBN: 9780857005366

E-book | 392 pagina's | 15 september 2011

€ 48.99

This book brings together the work of international art therapists with diverse experiences and perspectives. They share, however, a common postmodern belief that art is a unique way of expressing the human condition and that art therapy should not be a diagnostic tool but a collaborative healing process between the therapist and the client.

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  • ISBN: 9780857005366
  • Auteur(s): Anu Lala, Gillian Vellet, Shelly Goebl-Parker
  • Prijs: € 48.99
  • Verschenen: 15 september 2011
  • Druk: 1e
  • Taal: Engels
  • Aantal pagina's: 392
  • Bindwijze: E-book
  • Ebook formaat: Adobe ePub
  • Uitgever: Jessica Kingsley Publishers


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  • E-book (huidig) € 48.99

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