The Psychic Workshop

Omslag van The Psychic Workshop

Kim Chestney

ISBN: 9781440519024

E-book | 258 pagina's | 04 juni 2004

€ 11.17

The Psychic Workshop is your intrepid guide to forging your spiritual pathway, reconnecting with your innate psychic intuition, and trusting your inner voice. Through a series of intuition and psychic senses workshops, you will discover how to open your soul and embark on a lifetime journey of spiritual discovery. With psychic Kim Chestney as your teacher and guide, you will learn how to:bulletlist bulletRecognize and interpret psychic signs in everyday things bulletLearn to connect with loved ones in the spiritual realm bulletLearn the three-step process of intuitive awareness bulletUnderstand the role of the chakras bulletVitalize body, mind, and spirit through meditation /bulletlist The Psychic Workshop provides you with illuminating examples, case studies, and practical application that help you imagine the unimaginable and experience the impossible.

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