
Omslag van Waymarks

Jim Cotter

ISBN: 9781870652469

E-book | 208 pagina's | 02 augustus 2010

€ 5.99

Like the piles of stones that walkers and climbers leave as landmarks, Jim Cotter uses the wisdom of many writers from across the Christian tradition to create these signposts. Although they are all original, many are inspired by a verse of scripture, an ancient prayer, quotations from classic spiritual writers, modern day poets or novelists. Their aim is to provoke deeper thought and reflection on how we live and how we travel as the pilgrim people of God, and to deepen the connections between faith and everyday life. An index of themes and writers makes this an ideal dip-in anthology as well as an inspirational book of readings to be enjoyed daily.

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  • ISBN: 9781870652469
  • Auteur(s): Jim Cotter
  • Prijs: € 5.99
  • Verschenen: 02 augustus 2010
  • Druk: 1e
  • Taal: Engels
  • Aantal pagina's: 208
  • Bindwijze: E-book
  • Ebook formaat: Adobe ePub
  • Uitgever: Cairns Publications


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  • E-book (huidig) € 5.99