The History of Biology

Omslag van The History of Biology

Jeffrey Grant

ISBN: 9781982755768

Digitaal luisterboek | 03:42:30 uur | 31 mei 2019

€ 8.99

Biology is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development and evolution. This audio book will give students information about Biology and its history. The subtleties of the animal kingdom - anatomy, zoology, and reproduction - along with the complexities of the plant kingdom, have fascinated humanity as far back as 5000 years ago. Astounding ancient knowledge of the arcane curing powers of herbs as well as early experimentation with different chemical combinations for such purposes as mummification led to today's biological technology.

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  • ISBN: 9781982755768
  • Auteur(s): Jeffrey Grant
  • Prijs: € 8.99
  • Verschenen: 31 mei 2019
  • Taal: Engels
  • Speelduur: 03:42:30 uur
  • Bindwijze: Digitaal luisterboek
  • Uitgever: Author'S Republic


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