Sri Lanka Nelles Guide

Geen omslag beschikbaar voor Sri Lanka Nelles Guide

Elke Frey

ISBN: 9783886184187

Paperback | 01 februari 1997

€ 65.19

"The writing is superb... each (Nelles) guide is delightfully comprehensive, a solid source of reliable information for the traveller... All travel guides claim to be comprehensive, but we found Nelles Guides superior". -- Arizona Senior World

"(The Nelles Guides are) . . . beautifully photographed . . . the maps are better than Insight's, and practical information is integrated with the text, not relegated to the end". -- National Geographic Traveller
-- Quality writing, often by native writers
-- Detailed sections on the history, culture, special features and festivals
-- Accommodations, restaurant guides, sights to see, places to shop, how to get around

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