Yolande Ligterink

10 resultaten

Omslag van When Newark Had a Chinatown

When Newark Had a Chinatown

ISBN 9781480910362
"Through her dedication, persistence and hard work, Ms. Skeete has pieced together a virtual gold mine of ...

€ 19.00

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Omslag van Le train de maison d'une grande dame au XIVe siècle, Yolande de Flandre, comtesse de Bar
Omslag van Histoire- Allocution À La Bénédiction Du Mariage de M. Le Cte de Bellissen Avec Mlle Yolande d'Antioche
Omslag van Yolande of Aragon 1381-1442

Yolande of Aragon 1381-1442

ISBN 9781137499127
Yolande of Aragon is one of the most intriguing of late medieval queens who contrived to be everywhere and ...

€ 105.00

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Geen omslag van Les Princesses Yolande Et Les Ducs De Bar De La Famille Des Valois
Omslag van Queenship and Power- Yolande of Aragon (1381-1442) Family and Power

Queenship and Power- Yolande of Aragon (1381-1442) Family and Power

ISBN 9781349581290
Yolande of Aragon is one of the most intriguing of late medieval queens who contrived to be everywhere and ...

€ 119.00

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Omslag van L'au-delà au Moyen Age

L'au-delà au Moyen Age

ISBN 9783034305280
Les Visions du chevalier Tondal - recit du voyage dans l'au-dela de l'ame d'un chevalier irlandais plonge ...

€ 83.99

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Omslag van The Medieval Imagination: Mirabile Dictu

The Medieval Imagination: Mirabile Dictu

ISBN 9781846823282
Celebrating the life and works of Yolande de Pontfarcy Sexton, this volume builds on her work to show how, in ...

€ 28.77

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Omslag van Godefroi and Yolande
Geen omslag van Les Princesses Yolande Et Les Ducs De Bar De La Famille Des Valois