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Omslag van SAP/ABAP HANA Programming

SAP/ABAP HANA Programming

ISBN 9789388176019
Enrich your skill set with Open SQL and CD5 viewsThe book has been written in such a way that the concepts ...

€ 8.52

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Omslag van Cryptographic Algorithms on Reconfigurable Hardware

Cryptographic Algorithms on Reconfigurable Hardware

ISBN 9781441941565
This book covers the study of computational methods, computer arithmetic algorithms, and design improvement ...

€ 119.00

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Omslag van STL dlya programmistov na C++

STL dlya programmistov na C++

ISBN 9785898180270
Kniga Leena Ammeraalya posvyaschena standartnoj biblioteke shablonov (STL) - moschnomu instrumentu ...

€ 30.71

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Omslag van CTS-I Certified Technology Specialist-Installation Exam Guide, Second Edition
Omslag van Latin American Women and Research Contributions to the IT Field

Latin American Women and Research Contributions to the IT Field

ISBN 9781799875536
Highlights the important role of Latin American women in IT by disseminating their research contributions in ...

€ 183.50

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Omslag van Soglasovannaya Identifikatsiya Modeley Mnogokrasochnoy Pechati

Soglasovannaya Identifikatsiya Modeley Mnogokrasochnoy Pechati

ISBN 9783843300742
Zadacha vosproizvedeniya tsvetnykh izobrazheniy yavlyaetsya odnoy iz slozhneyshikh v obshchey probleme ...

€ 57.99

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Geen omslag van Дорожная карта к информационной системе
Omslag van Предотвращение атаки Сыбил методом ЦАМ в h
Omslag van Vexcode IQ- VEXcode IQ Blocks